Monday, May 10, 2010

It's raining it's pouring, the old man is snoring...

It's a Tuesday today and it feels like a Sunday. It's been raining since dawn and the rhythm, although still working, is slow. The coffee isn't working. The urge to constantly pee is what is keeping me awake. It's noon and the sky refuses to show any signs of it's buddy, the sun. Clouds are the main star for today.

Everyone is reducing much of their work because of the rain, except for the ones in the office... like me. I need to finish at least 1 report today. Went up to the plant and it's a shut down day. It's a day with a lot to do for Processing and Maintenance. However it seems like a Sunday since a shut down always results in a less audio disturbance up in the plant.

Got my self half wet because I had to cek the area while it was still raining. I love checking the area while it rains. It's environment action at it's best. Getting wet and staying in wet clothes is what I adore least.

At these times I would love to blogwalk for the next entry I'm doing for Indohoy. With jammies on, socks, and my blanket up to my lap. Or read a book. I haven't read one in so long. I haven't even finished the last one having only one chapter left to read. I'm currently reading 'The History of God' slowly, as I usually read anybook. I left it on the gazebo table... Michelle took a read and tore it up. The cover is half eaten and the glossary is  half gone. Considering my last blog... what an irony :)

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