I had a broken heart lately...
Thought I should make a note of it.
It's so hard being a girl and having a broken heart. It's so emotional, exhausting, and makes me nauseas. I wish I could make it more logical than emotional, but I can't... it's a girl thing.
Never been a guy so I wouldn't know what a guy thing is anyways. A girl thing is believing that there is a reason why things happen. It's also crying, reminiscing, sulking in bed for a few days, eating treats, and rambling what they feel on to friends.
I try to be logic, believe me! But sometimes there is an urgency of selfishness and logic becomes illogical. But life is driven by feelings anyways, if it was driven by logic there wouldn't be any uncertainty and chaos.
It's a classic case and I experience it in a classic way. I am a classical, probably conventional, girl. All the cliches are right, all the sayings are true... but one thing is interesting.
I've often hear people regret loving someone. Many love songs tell it so. They would rather never met the person that broke their heart than having thier heart shattered in the first place.
Now, this pain is awful and I so wish it would go away, but I have never regretted days I spent with the guy I was with. There was so many good memories and also bad but more good, and it filled my days with happiness and laughter and sorrow. And it made my life colorful. Why would I ever regret it to ever happen? Sure it's painful, but pain is part of life's game right?
Cases can range to just a simple heart broken like me, to cases of abused victims and fraud of wealth, so probably there are cases of regret when one is broken hearted. So would the case be... how heartless can someone be to break another heart so bad?
Do people that regret, never had happy moments? Or do they just forget and focus plus sulk in their misery? But if they never had any happy moments, how can they have a broken heart? Or could they merely had broken expectations?
Is a broken heart actually broken expectations? Is love a manifest of expectations and is never quite sincere? I still believe love is sincere with hope and not force of being love, and I don't categorize that as insincere, it's human.
But so be it, I guess people go through it once in their lifetime. I hope this is the only experience for me. Even if I do get my heart broken again in the future (knock on wood!), I hope I never regret the past of it.
Until the day I fall in love... :)
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