Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Recently, I read an article by about what makes a great blog. I can't really remember all the pointers but the one thing that stuck to my mind is... how relevant is your blog compared to others? What is it that you say that differs you from other people's entry?
Yeah sure you're unique and you're writing is 'original' and no one else can do it, and THAT probably is for the best, but what is it that YOUR saying that is worth writing?

If it's a personal blog, then that is you're prerogative. But if you have bigger goals or want to say something worth heard and YOU WANT TO BE HEARD then... better vogue and make a stand!

As for me, this time I'm not going to be relevant nor significant in this discursus (while it is not a discursus), I will only refer to someone that has said somethings that I have had on my mind on a few issues and have express them better and faster than me. I will support this dude for his relevant views which are spot on to what I believe.

I'm vogueing behind number 2, 7, 8, 9, and 11. Oh and I do like his latest column in the Jakarta Post feature or something, last weekend. I don't stand behind all of them. For some, well we're not from the same habitat so, I don't know what he's talking about. However, I do somewhat dig this dude for he is fairly traditional to a very modern surrounding that he lives in. Keepizle it rizzle indizzle!

Now how relevant is that?

God, I need a brain check!

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