Thursday, September 22, 2011

I New Point in Life

I was going to post something else, but I changed my mind.

If life is a journey of experience, then today is a first. I finally met a point where I don't like the company I'm working for. I still like some of the people and I still love my job, but I don't like the management. Cliche I know. It's my second steady job and I'm facing the same problem as I did my old job. I liked my boss and I liked my job, but I didn't like how he managed everything. For God sakes, I had to iron his clothes, while his teenage girlfriend left after the hangover.

How do people deal with this?

I've asked the only female boss here, how she chooses work? She had so many different businesses and work. She works tirelessly and seems like she can still keep on going. I asked her how would you know if you've had enough? Her answer was simple. She woke up not liking it and that is the sign to just quit.

In my case, I didn't hate this company when I woke up ( I have a killer bed, thanks company!), but I couldn't concentrate at all during work. I actually cried in front of the computer, replying an email concerning one of the problems I have. How could I not? I saw a man had to resolve his problems unfairly. And when it comes to this company, he's not the only one that had to suffer. Not to mention, the unsatisfying way of getting things resolved. And I hate to see my friend, a good man, be treated like that. Apparently, he didn't like it either. He resigned. And that's why I cried.

Leaving me, making a decision tonight.


Stanilawksy said...

What what what.... I wake up every morning saying I don't like being in this institution. I should quit! :p

riayee said...

*hug* .... :(

Vira Tanka Z said...

stania: basi ah. dari 2 tahun yg lalu ngeluhnya itu terus.

mumun said...

Hayo dimarahin tante Vira, *tapi sekarang gua kabur takut dimarahin juga...

Stanilawksy said...

Vira: I am testing my Adversity Quotient for the time being #alesan

Mumun: You actually have a stronger reason to quit: there's injustice in yer office. While moi is following the alleged life calling....